Monday 17 April 2017


Image result for regulation of ERYTHROPOIESIS

Erythropoiesis  is the process which produces red blood cells (erythrocytes). It is stimulated by decreased oxygen in circulation, which is detected by the kidneys, which then secrete the hormone erythropoietin. This hormone stimulates proliferation and differentiation of red cell precursors, which activates increased erythropoiesis in the hemopoietic tissues, ultimately producing red blood cells.
In postnatal birds and mammals (including humans), this usually occurs within the red bone marrow.
In the early fetus, erythropoiesis takes place in the mesodermal cells of the yolk sac. By the third or fourth month, erythropoiesis moves to the liver.
 After seven months, erythropoiesis occurs in the bone marrow. Increased level of physical activity can cause an increase in erythropoiesis.

However, in humans with certain diseases and in some animals, erythropoiesis also occurs outside the bone marrow, within the spleen or liver. This is termed extramedullary erythropoiesis.

The bone marrow of essentially all the bones produces red blood cells until a person is around five years old. The tibia and femur cease to be important sites of hematopoiesis by about age 25; the vertebrae, sternum, pelvis and ribs, and cranial bones continue to produce red blood cells throughout life.

the negative feedback regulation of aerythropoiesis


  1. Impressive!! Now i know what is Erythropoiesis process :)

    1. Thankes to Dr OSAZE, who cured me of fallopian tube blockage and fibroid. i married for over eight years wthout a child of my own. because of the problem with my fallopian tubbe and fibroid, until i came in conntact with Dr OSAZE's testimony and recommendations online, on how he has cured and healed so many people of the same illment, and i decided to contact him, and he administered his medicatons on me, and i became pregnant in two monnths. incasse you wannt to reach him for a similar problem, you can call or whatsap him on +2347089275769 or email: DROSAZEHERBAL@GMAIL.COM

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    Syndrome Fibrodysplasia Ossificans ProgresSclerosis,Alzheimer's disease,Chronic Diarrhea,Copd,Parkinson,Als,Adrenocortical carcinoma  Infectious mononucleosis. ,so I contacted him base on the testimonies I?m seeing about him on the internet, I was cured too by him, kindly contact him today through his email he can help and his herbal medicines will set you free from any human diseases,all thank to you Dr Itua for your kindly help in my life his Mobile number Whatsapp.+2348149277967

  3. My name is hoover, my 18 year old daughter, Tricia was diagnosed with herpes 3 years ago. Since then, we have moved from one hospital to another. We tried all kinds of pills, but every effort to get rid of the virus was futile. The bubbles continued to reappear after a few months. My daughter was using 200mg acyclovir pills. 2 tablets every 6 hours and 15g of fusitin cream. and H5 POT. Permanganate with water to be applied twice a day, but all still do not show results. So, I was on the internet a few months ago, to look for other ways to save my only son. Only then did I come across a comment about the herbal treatment of Dr Imoloa and decided to give it a try. I contacted him and he prepared some herbs and sent them, along with guidance on how to use them via the DHL courier service. my daughter used it as directed by dr imoloa and in less than 14 days, my daughter recovered her health. You should contact dr imoloa today directly at his email address for any type of health problem; lupus disease, mouth ulcer, mouth cancer, body pain, fever, hepatitis ABC, syphilis, diarrhea, HIV / AIDS, Huntington's disease, back acne, chronic kidney failure, addison's disease, chronic pain, Crohn's pain, cystic fibrosis, fibromyalgia, inflammatory Bowel disease, fungal nail disease, Lyme disease, Celia disease, Lymphoma, Major depression, Malignant melanoma, Mania, Melorheostosis, Meniere's disease, Mucopolysaccharidosis, Multiple sclerosis, Muscular dystrophy, Rheumatoid arthritis Alzheimer's disease, parkinson's disease, vaginal cancer, epilepsy Anxiety Disorders, Autoimmune Disease, Back Pain, Back Sprain, Bipolar Disorder, Brain Tumor, Malignant, Bruxism, Bulimia, Cervical Disc Disease, Cardiovascular Disease, Neoplasms , chronic respiratory disease, mental and behavioral disorder, Cystic Fibrosis, Hypertension, Diabetes, Asthma, Autoimmune inflammatory media arthritis ed. chronic kidney disease, inflammatory joint disease, impotence, alcohol spectrum feta, dysthymic disorder, eczema, tuberculosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, constipation, inflammatory bowel disease. and many more; contact him at also with whatssap- + 2347081986098.

  4. Hej det är laa! För 9 månader sedan berättade min läkare att jag fick diagnosen HSV2. Jag var hjärtbruten, men samma månad hittade jag en Dr Ricksin. som hjälpte mig att bota viruset med naturlig örtbehandling permanent. tack till Dr. Ricksin för hans naturliga växtbaserade behandling som eliminerat detta virus i min kropp för alltid. hans kontaktinformation för alla obotliga virus via; eller whatsapp honom eller ring honom via hans telefonnummer +3197005034579

  5. I am here to express my profound warm gratitude for the herbal medicine, which I got from Dr. Imoloa. I am now living a healthy life since the past 6 months. I am now a genital herpes virus free after the herbal medication I got from him. You can contact him for your medication Via his Email- Whats app- +2347081986098.Website-  

  6. I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer in August 2010. A valuable friend told me about Dr. Itua Herbal Center in West Africa. She gave me her phone number and email address. I quickly contacted him to guarantee that his herbal medicines will heal my cancer and I will heal forever I said OK.I ask him what is the healing process, he asks me to pay the fees I did and within 7 working days he sent me the herbal medicine and then he asked me I told my friend Gomez about the herbal drug so that he gave me to go and drink it.So after drinking for two weeks, I was cured, I am so grateful and I promise that I will do it I recommend to anyone who has cancer and that that I am doing. Herbal medicine Dr. Itua makes me believe that there is hope for people with Parkinson's disease, schizophrenia, scoliosis, bladder cancer, colorectal cancer, breast cancer, kidney cancer. , Leukemia, lung cancer, skin cancer, uterine cancer, prostate cancer Fibromyalgia,Fibrodysplasia Syndrome, Epilepsy,Sclerosis sickness, Dupuytren's Disease, Diabetes, Celiac Disease, Angiopathy, Ataxia, Arthritis, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Alzheimer's Disease, Lupus, Adrenocortic Carcinoma.Asthma, Allergic Diseases.HIV Help, Bladder cancer,Brain cancer,Esophageal cancer,Gallbladder cancer,Gestational trophoblastic disease,Head and neck cancer,Hodgkin lymphomaIntestinal cancer,Liver cancer,Melanoma,Mesothelioma,Multiple myeloma,Neuroendocrine tumorsNon-Hodgkin lymphoma,Cervical Cancer,Oral cancer,Ovarian cancer,Sinus cancer,Soft tissue sarcoma,Spinal cancer,Stomach cancer,Testicular cancer,Throat cancer,Meniere's disease,Thyroid Cancer,Vaginal cancer,Vulvar cancerHIV Aids, Herpes, Disease Chronic inflammatory, Memory disorder, Here is his contact information ...... [Email ... Whatsapp ... + 2348149277967

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  8. Herbal medicine is the best ����Greetings I am here to testify how great man called Dr OMO helped me out with herbs and roots which he prepared for me in use of curing my fibroids and Getting pregnant after 8 years of try to conceive with fibroids I takes his product (cure for my fibroid made with herbal medicine Root) for (21) days before I am to known I was totally pregnant after 2months of using dr omo herbs he also have Herbal medical for all types of diseases, and i promised him that i will tell the world about his Great job he ask me to drink from the herbal medicine before meeting my husband I did and after 2months I was pregnant thank you for your great job he can also help you if you have a low sperm count you want to convince a baby fast PCOS ,infections, HIV/ AIDS stomach ulcer ,u Endometriosis cancer, yeast infection, fibromyalgia, Tuberculosis Gonorrhea, Chronic pain , LUPUS, low testosterone, Herpes, blocked fallopian tubes Liver parasites ovarian cysts Arthritis, pile, ALS, Crowns and all other type of diseases, breast cancer, Get lost period back, stop period pain, Email : WhatsApp him on +2349033505260 thank you..Dr Omo. Please help me share and save others God bless you all

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DEEP VEIN THROMBOSIS .  DEFINITION     : Deep vein thrombosis occurs when blood clot forms and blocks a deep vein . Most commonly a ve...